Louis Armand

Louis Armand is a writer, artist & theorist. His most recent works of criticism are Entropology (published by Anti-Oedipus Press) & Festins de Desmando, trans. Jorge Pereirinha Pires (Barco Bêbado), both 2023. He is the author of the novels The Garden (2001), Cairo (2014), The Combinations (2016), Vampyr (2020) & Glitchhead (2021). His poetry collections include DI/ODE (2023), Letters from Ausland (2011), East Broadway Rundown (2015), & Monument (with John Kinsella, 2020). His work has been anthologised in Thirty Australian Poets, Calyx: 30 Contemporary Australian Poets & The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry. Edited volumes include Mind Factory (2005), Contemporary Poetics (2007), Pornotopias (2008) & City Primeval: New York, Berlin, Prague (with Robert Carrithers, 2017). He directs the Centre for Critical & Cultural Theory at Charles University, Prague.

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Rui Baiao

Rui Baião was born in Lisbon, Portugal, where he resides and has practiced Medicine until 2020. Baião has published the following titles: Quiasma (frenesi); MIX DIXIT (frenesi); nihil (frenesi); Aqueduto (& etc); SIÃO (frenesi); Maligno (frenesi), Nuez, with photos by Paulo Nozolino (frenesi); bone lonely, with photos by Paulo Nozolino (Steidl, Germany); naevus (Abysmo); Asco (DSO, Coimbra); Rude (Averno); Insane (Averno); Antro (Averno), Barbearia Tiqqun (viúva frenesi); balabela (Bestiário); paciente zero (Barco Bêbado); SCARAMUCCIA (Bestiário); STRANGVLATORIVM (Barco Bêbado); MOTIM (Barco Bêbado); SEGREDOS D’ESTADO, with photos by Anders Petersen (Barco Bêbado).

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Jo Blin

Jo Blin is an angry immigrant and a multimedia artist currently based in Prague, where she co-founded the Obejvák project space.

Often lost in light pre-apocalyptic thoughts, her experiments, images and words go from bold statements to vain protests, unheard prayers, and powerlessness-infused self-portraits. But don’t worry, she’s okay.

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Dustin Breitling

Dustin Breitling curates // Diffractions //. He has curated Thanatropic Regressions (2014), an installation which focused on the implications of accelerationism approached through the theoretical prism of geo-philosophy, and was co-organizer of the Reinventing Horizons conference (2016), and the Wyrdpatchworkshop I-IV (2018-2019), Xenowar Chronicles(Upcoming). He is co-editor of Reinventing Horizons (display, 2016) and Allegorithms (Litteraria Pragensia Books, 2017).

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Emanuel Cameira

Emanuel Cameira is a sociologist and since 2020, the chief publisher of Barco Bêbado (The Drunken Boat) where, to date, he has published works by Carlo Levi, Christian Bobin, Critical Art Ensemble, David Wojnarowicz, Gary J. Shipley, Gilles Deleuze, Gilles Ivain, Gregory Corso, Guy Debord, Julián Ríos, Kenji Siratori, Louis Armand, Melchior Vischer, Michael Mc Aloran, Paulo da Costa Domingos, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Pierre Alferi, Rui Baião, Sean Bonney, Sergio Solmi, Victor Shklovsky, and William S. Burroughs, among others. His publisher’s motto is: cuspo fraternalmente em vós (I spit on you fraternally), a verse by the Portuguese poet José Manuel Pressler.

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Dissipativ is a Prague-based project that plays experimental music inspired by genres such as dub, ambient, dubstep, jungle combining them into their own unique sound. They began to win over Czech listeners at festivals and parties such as Punxtreffen, Bastl jam in Kabinet Muz, Žižkovská noc 2023 and 2024. The magic of the sound comes from the spontaneous interaction of acoustic instruments, synthesizers, drum machines, loopers and effects. The duo will melt the listener in waves of live improvisation, through which the ringing trumpet tones will penetrate, allowing you to fall into a hypnotic trance!

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Paulo da Costa Domingos

Paulo da Costa Domingos is a self-taught writer, publisher, and book antiquarian. He started publishing poetry at the age of 19, still during the Portuguese dictatorship, and has published over fifty volumes, remarkable among which are his poetic anthology Urbe Sub Rosa – Carmes 1972-2021 (Barco Bêbado, 2022). His prose was published as Narrativa ([Narrative] Alambique, 2016) and A Morte dos Outros – Pastiches & Visões ([The Death of Others – Pastiches and Visions] Alambique, 2023). Domingos is further known as the publisher of the publishing house Frenesi, a house where – self-taught and son of a cartographic draftsman – he has turned graphic arts into an unyielding vortex amidst the aesthetic mud pulsating in commercial bookshelves. The graphic design of the catalogue of the publishing house Barco Bêbado is his most recent litmus test of half a century of acquired skills.

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Toby Fitch

Toby Fitch is poetry editor of Overland and a lecturer in creative writing at the University of Sydney. He is the author of eight books of poetry, including Where Only the Sky had Hung Before (Vagabond Press, 2019), Sydney Spleen (Giramondo Publishing, 2021), and, most recently, a newly expanded and full-colour edition of Object Permanence: Calligrammes (Puncher & Wattmann / Thorny Devil Press, December 2022). He co-edited Best of Australian Poems 2021 with Ellen van Neerven, and edited the anthology Groundswell: The Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize for New and Emerging Poets 2007–2020. He lives in Newtown on unceded Gadigal land.

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Mariana Gomes

Mariana Gomes lives and works in Lisbon. She graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon in 2007. She has been exhibiting since 2008, having received an honorable mention in the Fidelidade/Mundial Young Painters Award in 2011. Her career includes several solo and collective exhibitions, including Neo-Post-Neo, at Galeria Cristina Guerra –Contemporary Art (Lisbon, 2023), Canhota, at Fundação Carmona e Costa (Lisbon, 2019), and Stop Making Sense!, at Fundação EDP (Lisbon, 2013). Her work is represented in several national and international collections.

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Rick Harsch

Rick Harsch fled the United States in 2001, landing in Slovenia for no important reason. He is a
writer, author of maybe two works that might be familiar to a small number of readers: The Driftless
reprinted by the press he started in Izola, Slovenia, corona\samizdat, and The Manifold
Destiny of Eddie Vegas
, now published by Zerogram Press.

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Dirk Huelstrunk

Dirk Huelstrunk is a sound poet and artist, writer, translator, creative writing teacher, host and curator of art, music and poetry events from Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Influences range from Dada, Surrealists, Fluxus, Beat-Poets to Pop and modern electronic sound poetry. He works with and between different media and frequently collaborates with other artists. Huelstrunk teaches creative writing and performance poetry and lectures on Sound Poetry, Spoken Word, Outsider Art. Huelstrunk is also a pioneer of the Spoken Word movement in Germany by way of creating Spoken Word events since 1996. Since 2014 he has been curating and hosting literature events for Frankfurt Bookfair "Guest of Honor" countries.

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Michaela Králiková

Michaela Králiková is a dancer and performer working mainly in the field of contemporary dance and improvisation. She is a guest artist at the international theater studio Farm in the Cave in Prague which focuses on physical theater and multimedia theater forms. She studied dance at the Private Dance Conservatory in Košice (SK) and Art Factory International in Bologna (IT). She is a part of various contemporary dance performances, site-specific events and installations (her ongoing project: Lepetit, Little Prince by Credance company; Just Ask Her choreographed by Rado Piovarči, Deep Breath choreographed by Stanislava Vlčeková). She is an author of the movement research Sign Dance Project. The research was aimed to use Slovak sign language as a tool for creating new dance vocabulary that carries the symbolic at its abstract form. She was a former member of The Slovak State Traditional Dance Company in Bratislava (SK).

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Aifric Mac Aodha

Aifric Mac Aodha’s first poetry collection, Gabháil Syrinx (The Taking of Syrinx), was published by An Sagart in 2010. She has taught in St Petersburg, New York and Canada and has lectured in old and modern Irish at UCD. She has been awarded several bursaries by The Arts Council and, in recent years, she has read at numerous festivals in Europe, America, Canada and India. Her first bilingual collection, Foreign News, with translations by David Wheatley, was published by The Gallery Press in 2017. She lives in Dublin where she works for the Irish-language publisher An Gúm.

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Roksan Mandel

Roksan Mandel is a Prague-based piano player, singer-songwriter and an improviser. In addition to composing and performing, Roksan works a music teacher and she has been leading workshops on free-improvisation for the past three years.

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Julie Morrissy

Julie Morrissy is a poet from Dublin. She was the first Poet-in-Residence at the National Library of Ireland from 2021-22. In her role, she produced a publication of poetry, maps, translation, photography and research notes titled Radical! Women and the Irish Revolution, a podcast series, and a walking tour. Her awards include the National Endowment for the Humanities (US), 'Next Generation' Artist Award from the Arts Council of Ireland, the Newman Fellowship in Creativity, and the MAKE Theatre Award. She is the author of several pamphlets. Her debut poetry collection Where, the Mile End (2019) was published by Book*hug (Canada) and tall-lighthouse (UK). www.juliemorrissy.com.

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Lyana Mytsko

Lyana Mytsko is the founding director of the Lviv Municipal Art Center (acting since 2020). She was born and raised in Lviv, works with the cultural and social landscape of the city and for more than 15 years as the head of the NGO Cultural Agency Liniya Vtrchi (Line of Flight). After the start of the full-scale invasion, she and her team reconstructed the artistic residence of the Center and is currently creating a project of Rear Affairs for the rehabilitation of veterans through interaction with artistic practices.

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Oxana Gogol

OKSYI is a musician based in Prague. She simply calls his music music4soul and moves between genres such as blues, jazz, folk. She will present you her songs from her debut album "EXISTENTIALISM 2020" as well as the new ones from the upcoming EP.

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Sara de Oliveira

Sara de Oliveira (a.k.a Mus Rattus / Fuhrer Duhrer / Marquesa do Sabre) is a multidisciplinary fetishist artist based in Portugal, working through the paths of decomposed audiovisual and independent production. May it be damaged soundscapes, handmade collages, giallo worship, text experimentation and xerox printing, she's been developing her artwork in the maverick world since 2013. With a kinky trademark, the artist aims to explore different routes of underground expression, simultaneously using rough visuals, distorted audio, vocals and textures for live reading and singing collaborations.

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Jana Orlová

Jana Orlová is a Prague-based performance artist, poet, and researcher. Orlová has been involved in performance and border art forms in her critical and curatorial practice. She also publishes her studies abroad. Orlová has released three collections of poetry in Czech Republic and five abroad, her poems have been translated to several more languages, for example also into Chinese, Arabic or Hindi. She has taken part in many performance art events over Europe, also in Canada, and the US. In her practice, performance art is living poetry, and she perceives her body as a field of event, working with ritualistic and holistic approaches. Her work is marked by a combination of a minimalistic form and a raw statement.

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Sandra Pasławska

andra Pasławska, hailing from Poland (PL), living in Czechia(CZK) wears many creative hats. She's a performer, an integral member of David's Sister, holds the position of performance director at OBJECT:PARADISE, and contributes as an editor for KROTCH magazine. Her performances are a captivating fusion of intuition, interdisciplinarity, and transgression, all served with a strong dose of punk and feminism, among other elements.

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Martin Piekar

Martin Piekar was born to Polish parents in Germany in 1990. In 2012, he won the Open Mike award for poetry and has since received several distinctions for his work like Irseer Pegasus and Alfred-Gruber-Preis, both 2018. His first volume of poems titled Bastard Echo was published by Verlagshaus Berlin in 2014 and was followed by his second volume AmokperVers in 2018. Martin Piekars poetry crosses intercultural boundaries, emotionally grapples with personal development and explores the possibilities of subjectivity in a political realm. In 2023 his third collection of poetry named livestream & leichen was published and he won two awards (the Kelag-Preis and the audience award) at the prominent “Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur” in Klagenfurt.

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Bartholomew Ryan

Bartholomew Ryan is a philosopher, musician, and researcher at IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is the coordinator of the research group ‘Forms of Life and Practices of Philosophy’ at IFILNOVA. Amongst his various publications interpenetrating philosophy and literature, he is the author of Critical Lives: Fernando Pessoa (Reaktion Books, 2024) and Kierkegaard’s Indirect Politics: Interludes with Lukács, Schmitt, Benjamin and Adorno (Brill, 2014), and co-editor of Fernando Pessoa and Philosophy: Countless Lives Inhabit Us (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021). He is currently writing a book called James Joyce: The Unfolding Art of Flourishing and Decay, which will be published by Oxford University Press. In music, he leads the international band The Loafing Heroes, releasing six albums; released a solo album called Jabuti (under the name Loafing Hero) in 2022; and is a member of the experimental audio formation Headfoot.

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Tyko Say

Tyko Say is a writer and curator interested in poetry as dialogue. His works aim to explore what that dialogue is, can be, and the implications & opportunities when poetics and the arts are conventionalized. Tyko is currently based in Prague. He is the Chairman of OBJECT:PARADISE, editor of KROTCH Magazine, a teacher at Prague School of Creative Communication, and plays in the sound project David’s Sister.

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Grigory Semenchuk

Poet, musician, culture manager and activist. Born in 1991, in Chmelnitsky, Ukraine. Author of three poetry books "Internal Jihad" (Meridian Czernowitz, Chernivtsi, 2012), "More verses and songs" (Old Lion Publishing House, Lviv, 2015), “According to the original” (Lyuta Sprava, Kyiv, 2021). Editor of contemporary Ukrainian poetry anthology "Letters from Ukraine" (2016, in Polish and English translations) and co-editor of Australian-Ukrainian poetry anthology "AU\UA" (2012). Some verses and articles were translated to German, Polish, Czech, Italian, English, Belarusian, Slovakian, French, Romanian, Estonian, Latvian languages. Director of NGO "Art Council "Dialogue" (since 2015). Director of Festival “Authors’ Reading Month in Lviv”, (since 2015). National delegate of Ukraine in Emmaus International Movement (since 2018) , member of NGO "17" (since 2019) and NGO "Emmaus-Oselya" (since 2011) Member of musical projects "BRAT", "LANDSCHAFT" and "DRUMTYATR"., He lives in Lviv, Ukraine.

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Magmatic relief-forming processes are a set of processes and phenomena related to the movement of magmatic masses and often also pneumatolytic and fluid phases from the lower earth's crust and from the upper earth's mantle mainly to the earth's surface, but also to a certain extent below the earth's surface. It is impossible to determine in which direction and with the help of which forces we will move towards the interior of your ear canals. Powers pass through the floodgates only if they rise.


Air : Martin Debřička / Strings : Jan Bára / Boom : Robert Štefan / Mass : Štěpán Debřička

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Olga Stehlíková

Olga Stehlíková works as a freelance writer, book editor and critic. She has edited dozens of books of poetry and prose for various Czech publishing houses and her poems have appeared in many Czech and foreign literary magazines. Her debut book of poetry, Týdny (Weeks, Dauphin 2014), won the Magnesia Litera Book Prize for poetry. Her second collection of short poems Vejce/Eggs was published in 2017 in a unique edition, together with an LP album with music by Tomáš Braun. Her third collection was An Exclamation Point as High as a Pole (2018). Her fourth collection, The Siren’s Song, was published in 2022. She also published separately a single poem "What a Mother Speaks of When She is Silent," in 2021. Olga’s poems have been translated into seventeen languages. She has also published six award-winning children’s books and was awarded the first Critic of the Year Award in 2018. Though the Sky Is Embroidered by a Zigzagging Bat is the first comprehensive selection of her poems to be published as a book in English translation.

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Audrey Szasz

Audrey Szasz (a.k.a. Zutka) is a writer and performer based in London. She is the author of the novels Counterillumination, Zealous Immaculate, and Tears of a Komsomol Girl. Her first solo novella, Invisibility: A Manifesto appeared in 2020, published by Amphetamine Sulphate. Audrey’s latest book Rubber Anne was released in July 2024 and is available via Infinity Land Press. @szasz_audrey audreyszasz.com

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Erkut Tokman

Erkut Tokman is a Turkish poet, editor, translator, visual and performance artist. He studied acting and modern dance in London and Bucharest and staged at Windsor Royal Theatre (U.K). He is the founder of performance-based interdisciplinary art movement "Open Poetry Movement", which rejects classical performance concept based on text but instead create collectively post-performance text or art forms from performance interacting with public in public places. He performed internationally at various festivals and public places including LitVest-Timişoara, Poetry Cafe-London, Borders Festival-Venice, International Workshop Festival-London, and Malamut Performance Festival-Ostrava. He is the author of six verse collections and has recent poems in New Humanist and Poetry Buenos Aires. He is a member of Turkish and Italian P.E.N Centers as well as Exiled Writers-Ink. and Poetry Society of U.K .He won the Italian Ministry of Culture Translation and Quasimodo Jaci Poetry Awards. He lives and works as an engineer, currently in Ostrava.

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Marek Torčík

Marek Torčík is a poet, writer, and journalist. He comes from Přerov and lives in Prague, where he studied Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. In 2016, his poetry collection Rhizomes was published. He has also published poems and prose in various magazines. For his debut novel You Shall Unfold Memory (Paseka, 2023), he received the Magnesia Litera Award for Prose and the Jiří Orten Award for authors under thirty.

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John Trefry

John Trefry is an architect in Lawrence, Kansas, United States where he also edits Inside the Castle, a small press for literature in the expanded field. After receiving his architectural education, he practiced architecture with Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects for 13 years and has been teaching architecture at the University of Kansas for 8 years. He has written three novels, PlatsApparitions of the Living, and Massive (published this year), and a caprice, Thy Decay Thou Seest By Thy Desire.

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Jaromír Typlt

Jaromír Typlt is a poet, performer, and art theorist. Since 2022, he has been the curator of the Art brut gallery in Prague. He published his first books of poetry and prose in the 1990s. Most recently, in September 2024, he presented a book selection of notes from the years 1993–2023 titled *Jedna věta* (*One Sentence*) (published by Revolver Revue). In the fall, a "live" recording of a concert celebrating 15 years of *Škrábanice* was also released by the Blue Lizard label. *Škrábanice* is a collaboration between Typlt's sound poetry and Michal Rataj's experimental electronics – this new digital album follows two previously released studio albums (2014 and 2020). At the current international exhibition *Poetry and Performance* at the Hvězda Summer Palace in Prague, Typlt is represented by a short video and an artist's book created in collaboration with Jan Měřička. At the Microfestival, he has already presented, among other works, his 3D poem *Vinice* (2012, with Viktor Kopasz) as well as *Škrábanice* with Michal Rataj.

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R.G. Vasicek

R.G. Vasicek is a lo-fi artist & machine elf in NYC. Recipient of an NEA Literature Fellowship. Vasicek's books include AUGENBLICK, MACHINE ELF, 404 ERROR, THE DEFECTORS, MACHINE, CYBORG, & the anti-novella JÖRGENSEN AND THE MACHINE.

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David Vichnar

David Vichnar is senior lecturer at the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Charles University Prague. He is also active as an editor, publisher and translator. His publications include Joyce Against Theory (2010), Subtexts: Essays on Fiction (2015), and The Avant-Postman (2023), his edited publications include Thresholds (2011) and Terrain: Essays on the New Poetics (2014). He is active as translator both from/into English: he has translated into English Philippe Sollers’ H (from French) and Melchior Vischer’s Second through Brain (from German), as well as Louis Armand’s Snídaně o půlnoci (English-Czech). His articles on contemporary experimental writers as well as translations of contemporary poetry and fiction—Czech, German, French and Anglophone—have appeared in numerous journals and magazines.

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Peter Závada

Péter Závada is the author of the poetry collection Wreck in Lee (2017), for which he won the Horváth Péter Literary Scholarship, in addition to four other books of poetry. He is also a recipient of the Örkény István Playwriting Scholarship (2016), the Móricz Zsigmond Literary Scholarship (2017), and the Cogito Prize for Young Philosophers (2023). Several of his plays have been produced to acclaim in Budapest, Nyitra, and Dresden, and The Kertész Street Shaxpeare Carwash won the Critic’s Choice Award for the best Hungarian theatre production of the year in 2021. In 2019 he participated in the Rotterdam Poetry International Festival, and in 2024 he was a fellow in the IWP (International Writers Program) at the University of Iowa. He currently holds a full-time position as a senior lecturer in the Eötvös Loránd University Department of Aesthetics.

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