18.30 - Live Readings (Olga Stehlíková, Martin Zet)

Sunday 10 October 2021

Olga Stehlíková

Olga Stehlíková works as a freelance writer, editor and critic with a focus on contemporary Czech literature. She has founded the Ravt on-line magazine (www.itvar.cz/ravt), she moderates literary programmes in Czech Broadcasting and works as book editor. She has put together dozens of books of poetry and prose for various Czech publishing houses and her poetry has appeared in many Czech and foreign literary magazines. Her debut book of poetry, Týdny (Weeks, Dauphin 2014), won the Magnesia Litera Book Prize for poetry.Her latest book for children, a catalog of people called Já, člověk (Me, human) was published in 2021 by Albatros, Mojenka (Mylene) will be published in 2022 in Host.  

Martin Zet

Martin Zet is a Czech artist, performer, and sculptor. His artistic activity also covers drawing, photography, happening and author books. In 1979–1985 he studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. He lives and works in Libušín, where in 1998 he founded the Centre for Contemporary Arts, under whose auspices he organised various artistic and publishing projects. Apart from many solo and group exhibitions, Martin Zet has authored  a number of publications, e.g. Video (1998), FMZ! (2001), and O (2016). His most recent work is the author book, Star (2021), a reflexion of his four-month stay at the Motol landfill last year.