18:00-19:00 VIDEO READINGS (6) John Trefry, Zak Ferguson, Grigory Semenchuk, Toby Fitch, Elytron Frass, Péter Závada

Sunday 27 October 2024

Toby Fitch

Toby Fitch is poetry editor of Overland and a lecturer in creative writing at the University of Sydney. He is the author of eight books of poetry, including Where Only the Sky had Hung Before (Vagabond Press, 2019), Sydney Spleen (Giramondo Publishing, 2021), and, most recently, a newly expanded and full-colour edition of Object Permanence: Calligrammes (Puncher & Wattmann / Thorny Devil Press, December 2022). He co-edited Best of Australian Poems 2021 with Ellen van Neerven, and edited the anthology Groundswell: The Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize for New and Emerging Poets 2007–2020. He lives in Newtown on unceded Gadigal land.

Zak Ferguson

Zak Ferguson is an autistic experimental filmmaker, author, composer, collage artist, publisher, and all-around nut job who lives in the seaside town of Brighton, UK,

Peter Závada

Péter Závada is the author of the poetry collection Wreck in Lee (2017), for which he won the Horváth Péter Literary Scholarship, in addition to four other books of poetry. He is also a recipient of the Örkény István Playwriting Scholarship (2016), the Móricz Zsigmond Literary Scholarship (2017), and the Cogito Prize for Young Philosophers (2023). Several of his plays have been produced to acclaim in Budapest, Nyitra, and Dresden, and The Kertész Street Shaxpeare Carwash won the Critic’s Choice Award for the best Hungarian theatre production of the year in 2021. In 2019 he participated in the Rotterdam Poetry International Festival, and in 2024 he was a fellow in the IWP (International Writers Program) at the University of Iowa. He currently holds a full-time position as a senior lecturer in the Eötvös Loránd University Department of Aesthetics.

John Trefry

John Trefry is an architect in Lawrence, Kansas, United States where he also edits Inside the Castle, a small press for literature in the expanded field. After receiving his architectural education, he practiced architecture with Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects for 13 years and has been teaching architecture at the University of Kansas for 8 years. He has written three novels, PlatsApparitions of the Living, and Massive (published this year), and a caprice, Thy Decay Thou Seest By Thy Desire.

Elytron Frass & [x]

Elytron Frass & [x] collaborate while remaining wholly anonymous to the world and each other; all is mystery, as it should be.

Grigory Semenchuk

Poet, musician, culture manager and activist. Born in 1991, in Chmelnitsky, Ukraine. Author of three poetry books "Internal Jihad" (Meridian Czernowitz, Chernivtsi, 2012), "More verses and songs" (Old Lion Publishing House, Lviv, 2015), “According to the original” (Lyuta Sprava, Kyiv, 2021). Editor of contemporary Ukrainian poetry anthology "Letters from Ukraine" (2016, in Polish and English translations) and co-editor of Australian-Ukrainian poetry anthology "AU\UA" (2012). Some verses and articles were translated to German, Polish, Czech, Italian, English, Belarusian, Slovakian, French, Romanian, Estonian, Latvian languages. Director of NGO "Art Council "Dialogue" (since 2015). Director of Festival “Authors’ Reading Month in Lviv”, (since 2015). National delegate of Ukraine in Emmaus International Movement (since 2018) , member of NGO "17" (since 2019) and NGO "Emmaus-Oselya" (since 2011) Member of musical projects "BRAT", "LANDSCHAFT" and "DRUMTYATR"., He lives in Lviv, Ukraine.